Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Air Cond blower replacement


Well, sometimes it run and sometimes it don't. That's what happened to the car air-cond blower. Not always do not run but I encounter once that the blower stop working during my long distance travel. Luckily it happened at night so I do not feel hot.

Now, searching for the replacement (NEW) is a bit tough. The serial number on the motor doesn't help and the online Toyota database doesn't seems to give any result in the local market. Luckily I contact Denso Malaysia via Shopee and they are very helpful. Double thumbs up to them.

I show them the photo of the blower and they help to find a similar size and type which match the original wiring plug. The blower do not share the same as Toyota Wish but it's the same for Prado rear blower motor.

How about that.

So I bought one from the Denso Official store in Lazada (got more discount than shopee) and the one in the photo, the one on top the NEW and the bottom is the original from the car.

Totally same. Great ! Installed it less than 10 minutes, do not need to do much thing. Just that I am surprise that there is so much dirt and dust collected over the years. 

It is proper to replace it.

Anyway, the parts number is MA116360-12503D, doesn't cost much and you can DIY it. Just 3 screws

Thursday, July 13, 2023

T10 light bulb replacement

During routine check up of the car, I notice that the small bulb at the front lamp assembly had kaput. So bought a set of LED T10 online and get it fit myself. You can get it from shopee or lazada. 
Here is the finished replacement in LED in white, Done. Just a bit of advice, remember not to plug the connector out. I broke a few clips. You only need to twist and pull the entire wiring harness and it will come out.
Here is the original T10 bulb non LED. This will be yellowish in colour compare the white from the LED.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Wrong size sun visor

Sometimes not all purchase for the car is just plug and play and fit good. This time I make a small mistake. 
It does look the same but nothing is correct with the original. 

The first mistake, the colour is wrong. I got something too beige and not gray enough as the original.

Second mistake, the size. It is much smaller than the original which ended up couldn't even fit the clip at the end. Luckily the screw fit.
This is the comparison between the original and the new.
Here you can see the visor is much shorter.

Anyway, it works and we doesn't look up when driving so we will not notice the problem. So I will be thinking of getting a new one soon. 

Gotta check the size and colour properly next time. Lazada not so good this time.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Carpet holder


Have you heard this before ? It is something non important before I heard about the stuck carpet that causes accident. This is actually a clip that will fix your carpet at a fix position.

If you have an original carpet that comes with the car, it should have this clip. If you don't then you might need to invest in one. But make sure your carpet have the hole to hold this.

This is how it look when it is fix down. It will make the carpet neat. Before this, the carpet will push up and get folded near the foot rest.

Now, I will be happy that the carpet will stay in place. And you can buy this clip from Lazada for cheap.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Interior car handle replacement

Do you have the same problem as mine ? The interior handle drop down and it won't retract back up ? It make the interior look messy and old. So after searching in Lazada, I got one of the replacement from China. Cost RM20 each and look great too.
Just use a flat screwdriver to ply it out and you can pull it out later.
The original cover.
The replacement. Colour is different. I bought a beige colour but it look more like light gray.
The colour of the handle look different between the clip and the handle.
This is what happened when pulling the original out. It just broke and the plastic get brittle. 

Hope this will help. It doesn't cost much to make it good. Next is going to buy the driver side sun cover. 

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Air conditioner blower


If you experience problem with your air-con which you have turn it on but do not feel any wind blow out. Then most probably the blower are gone. It is easily accessible from the bottom of your passenger drawer. 

Do not need to open any panel and can easily remove by pulling the plug and removing 3 screws. Easy to replace. 

Parts number : 272700-0182

Touchwood, mine is not broken so I just snap the photo for your reference. However I do experience once that the blower do not come out with any wind. 

Hopefully it is still ok.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Changed the radiator cap again


I had notice that the spare tank of coolant always have traces of coolant on the lips of it. It dried up and seems like overflow. However the reserve tank doesn't look dirty etc. 

Anyway, I think I just buy a new radiator cap and observe whether it can help or not. Maybe the cap got weak after so many years.

Plus, there is a new design. The symbol look more modern and it have a new part number 16401-36030. I bought one and it does feel great. Maybe it just look new. 

Remember that the cap is for 88kPa.

Good a simple DIY